20 February 2006

Sandstone and Crashing Surf

After paging through my Lonely Planet guide, we J-Flatties and Mariah decided to tramp on over to Tunnel Beach, not sure what we would find there, but knowing only that it was 75 degrees and sunny, and we desparately needed a trip to the beach. After just a short bus ride and a 2k walk through farm country, this is what we found:

To get to the private beach, which is otherwise cut off by sandstone cliffs, you must walk down a set of steep stairs through a tunnel in the rock until you reach the bottom 100 feet below. Hence, Tunnel Beach. It was built around 1870 by entrepreneur and politician John Cargill (also has a mountain nearby named after him), who wanted a private beach for his daughter, so that they would not be preyed upon by men...or so the bus driver told us. Rumor also has it that this was a birthday present to her. Lucky. The sand was incredibly soft and fine, and the Southern Pacific was frigidly cold. At their highest, we were jumping through wave crests 5ft tall, some large enough to carry us all the way back to shore. There were huge rocks to climb, caves to explore, and even a waterfall that we could relax beneath coming out of a sandstone aquifer above our heads.

Especially interesting was the species of seaweed that attached itself deep into the sand and used its natural adhesive to stick to rocks. With the constant tug and push of the surf, the seaweed needs to be well connected and very strong. It was like leather whips - thick, and a foot wide in some spots.

The climb back to the top after our stay at the beach was all the workout we needed in a day, and after visiting a few sheep and horses, we made our way back to the bus stop and headed back home, taking some of the beach home with us in all our nooks and crannies...


At 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's a J-Flatty?


PSST poet

At 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey you! the girls and i are spending time together tonight and have been checking out your blog. (everyone says hi!) we are all extremely jealous of your beach trip! sorry we got cut off talking today --> i love you! have fun at your international orientation orgy this week... ;)

At 2:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While we sit here in the library, while it is 10 degrees outside (warm!), while wondering at theedees newly found slang skills, while thinking what exactly he means by nooks and crannies and what exactly was stuck there, we lament and wish all global travellers well from OSF.

At 4:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Dan! Jen showed us your blog last night and send out a link to it. So, basically you have to read our ridiculous and jealous replies to your postings. Jealous because it looks absolutely beautiful there, and is 20 below here. BRRRR. It looks like your flatmates are friendly and fun and I hope you're enjoying your first weeks in NZ. All the best!


At 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks really fun dan... i'm sorry i missed you before you left. oh well! enjoy your travels and keep up with the blog. it's nice to read what you're up to.


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