15 March 2006

The Annual Baldwin "Gutbuster"

So, you have heard talk about Baldwin Street now, controversially the Steepest Street in the World. Well, each year, just to show how hardcore they are, kiwis and other folks from all over the world try their strength and endurance in the Annual Balwin GUTBUSTER, a race to the top and back to the bottom of the street.

To quote a blurb at 100% Pure New Zealand:

"Most people would moan about it, but Kiwis - always looking for a challenge - have created an adventure out of it. The Baldwin Street Gutbuster sees around 1000 people each year gather to run or even try to skate up and back down the hill. This on a street in which there are signs warning drivers not to attempt to drive up the street! The Hill City Athletic Club devised the Gutbuster, a race divided into two events. The first run is a race attracting serious runners, and covers 400 metres. Running the downhill part is actually more difficult than running up. The second Gutbuster race is for skaters, skateboarders, pram-pushers or just runners and attracts people from all over the world."

It just so happens that Thimo, Liz, Anjali and I decided to take a bike ride last week to Balwin Street on the very day of the Gutbuster, minutes before it began. Gleaming from our good luck, we found a place to sit and watch the action unfold...The most intimidating competitors were thin and muscular, and probably train for this event every day. Those who did not fit this mold were forced to find other avenues to make them unique and race-worthy.............
The two most special competitors, those who outshone the others entirely, were Old Mister 604 and Super Speight's Boy. At left you see the former passing on advice and encouragement to his young friend, who will carry the torch for many years to come. Old Mister 604 stretched obnoxiously for twenty minutes, breathing heavily in with each relaxing movement, and heavily out with each stretch. He paced back and forth, covering the width of the street and getting in his competitor's faces, while Super Speight's Boy walked silently with a confident smile on his face, his beer company flag of a cape adorned with the messages, "Bye Bye," "See you later!" and "Eat My Dust, Mate." The fact that he finished dead last means nothing. He won in his heart.

Yes, we were all winners that day: only one speedy dude went home with the silver cup, but we all got to enjoy a couple lovely evening hours on the Steepest Street in the World, among "I'm-totally-serious-about-silly-event enthusiasts" from all over the world. Sweet as!

p.s. I would have run, but I wasn't wearing the right shoes...and had jeans on...although there were two people without shoes and one with jeans, so these are empty excuses. One boy I overheard chatting with his neighbor said that he scratched his finger recently, that the wound was healing quite nicely, and that he didn't want to disturb its progress...I guess we all make excuses now and then...okay, good, I got that off my chest.


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