01 April 2006

The Lovely Jennifer Harmening

I'm sure you have all been wondering (or if not, you should be) what is the lovely Jennifer Harmening up to these days? I am here to fill you in, just a bit. For a full synopsis you must call her, email her, or knock on our door!

Since the beginning of February Jennifer has been adventurously employed as a crew member with the Minnesota Conservation Core! In the image to the left you can see her in her full gear, alongside her fellow crew members. They do a diverse range of projects for parks in the Twin Cities metropolitan area, and she is on the "St. Paul Roving Crew." She is now a chainsaw-wielding woman of the woods, as much of the MCC's projects involve removing invasive species like Buckthorn from the area's parks. Future projects that she is excited about include prairie restoration and prescribed burns. She is definitely getting her hands dirty, and learning many things about the local ecology in the process! Recently, Jennifer said that she saw, in just one day at work, llamas, horses, ponies, cows, swans, cardinals, black-capped chickadees, dogs, a big black beetle, and 3 pheasants, as well as a bunch of crazy hot-pink bugs. So YAHOO for working in the great outdoors!

Another JL Harmening current event: a couple weeks ago, after heavy snowfall in St. Paul, Jennifer's car slid into the back of a delivery truck, rendering her Jeep mostly useless. Ouch. But she is okeedokee, which is the important thing. Insurance paid for much of the damage, and she is now the owner of a lightly-used blue Subaru Outback. Back on the road, and in station wagon style...

That is all for now for Jennifer! We continue to communicate ala webcam, and look forward to celebrating our one year anniversary on Wednesday, April 5th - so congratulate us!


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